viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

Moe the fat zombie.

Hello there.

So yesterday I spent the day working on some more textures and I finished one of my favorites, so far. Moe, the fat zombie.

This is the way he looks right now:

I mean, his face looks cool and all, but his body has no details whatsoever. Juts a tiny, almost unnoticible stain in his shirt. Hard to believe that's supposed to be blood.

This is my new version of him:

You can see I added blood to his mouth and hands. I mean, he's a zombie, he's probably killed and eaten many people by now. I also added a big blood-leaking wound just below his neck.

Since he's a decaying zombie it's only natural for him to have missing skin and big injuries, which is exactly what I added in his back, with his muscle tissue showing. I also made his skin less clean and soft and more dirty with little signs of decay.

Lastly, his legs also have started to rot away. You can tell by the small rashes he has all over them.

I hope you like it.

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