sábado, 22 de julio de 2017

Zombie Boe the bald

Hello there.

Here I am with some new screenshots to show you. Today I'm showing you my new zombie Boe; one of the most peculiar zombies of them all mainly because he's not as big and strong as the bloated ones but he's stronger and taller than the rest.

This is how he looks:

Ok, let's start. First of all, I'm glad Boe's mom takes care of his son and cleans his clother before going partying with his zombie friends. That shirt is really damn clean for being worn by a dead walking corpse, it just has a small stain of... whatever that is, cause it's certainly not blood.

Boe itself has a nice looking face and a nice gap in his head that shows his cracked cranium and some of his brains, but that's about it. No blood, no rashes, no wounds, no nothing. Let's fix that, shall we?

Ok, so I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It may need some tuning but I gotta say it's quite menacing looking. I added some blood on his mouth that looks sick with those eyes of him. I also added more contrast and blood to his cranium wound, blood on his pants, blood to his hands (obviously) and many more things. Here's how he looks:

He's got a big slash wound on his chest, as if someone had tried to take a swing at Boe with a machete to helplessly get him off, but ultimately failing.

An user from the forums told me it would be cool if the blood on his hands was more fresh than the rest on his arms, as if he had killed someone recently but all the blood accumulated in his arms was dried up from previous victims. It didn't turn out exactly how I wanted, because the layer itself was in a blending mode that prevented me from making it look, well, better. I have some ideas to fix that though, but so far you can see how it's turning out.

Look at that big wound on his cheek. Looks almost like a bite wound, doesn't it? I wonder if it's the wound that sealed his fate when he was alive. Anyhow, it makes him look even more scary.

I also added more wounds overall to his head:

Last, but not least, here's his back side:

I added a gunshot wound, as if someone had tried to take the killing shot but has the worst aim in the world. Clearly, Boe is the Rasputin of all zombies. He's THEE zomboe.

And here he is trying to kill me:

Well, that's it for now. I'll post more shortly.

I hope you like it!

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