martes, 25 de julio de 2017

New Marlene zombie and radiated ferals!

Hello there.

Today, I share with your another 2 zombies! Marlene the clean one and the zombie glowstick.

Here's Marlene as she looks in the game:

I realised the devs like to add details and such to the head and faces of the zombies only, they leave the body completely empty aside from some veins and a green/blue-ish color.

Anyhow, I made some changes to her model. I didn't put too many things cause I also don't want every single zombie to be all bloodied up and rotten, I want some of them to feel more fresh than others, yet I can tell you that for me this one stands a lot.

Let's start with her beautiful face:

As you can see, I added a big wound to her left-side cheek with some of her teeth showing. I like the way the muscle tissue turned out. I also added more blood to her eye wound and her mouth.

Now down to her body:

I added a wound to her upper chest area, leaving her clavicle out in the open. I also added a small wound next to it. Her hands are all bloodied up too, of course.

I added a big wound to her stomach as well. Kinda looks like a shotgun gunshot wound.

Last but not least, her legs:

Not many of my other zombies have many injuries in their legs. This is where Marlene comes in, with quite a few injuries in both her legs.

So there you have Marlene. I liked how she turned out.

Now onto the new radiated zombies.

I ain't gonna say anything, let it speak for itself:

Wha... uhmm... huh...

Yeah, you get the point. Too glowy, too green, too "over the top". Many members from the forums and I have talked about it in a thread, we all agree they needed some tuning.

I made different edits and versions, some even without the green radioation smoke thing around the body.

Here are some of the attempts:

Most people on the forums liked the one to the right the most, so the final profuct is this:

That's it for now, I hope you like it!

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